Category Archives: Article

Creatine Kinase MB Rapid Test: A Game-Changer in Cardiac Diagnosis and Monitoring

Introduction The Creatine Kinase MB Rapid Test Kit is a groundbreaking innovation in the field of cardiac diagnosis and monitoring. This cutting-edge device offers quick and accurate detection of Creatine Kinase MB (CK-MB), an essential biomarker for myocardial injury. As a cost-effective and accessible solution, the Creatine Kinase MB Rapid Test is transforming the way […]

Cardiac Troponin I Rapid Test: The Future of Heart Attack Diagnostics

Introduction The Cardiac Troponin I rapid test is a game-changer in the world of cardiovascular diagnostics. This groundbreaking device offers a quick and accurate method of detecting heart attacks, providing results within minutes. With its exceptional specificity and sensitivity, the Cardiac Troponin I rapid test is a simple, cost-effective solution for emergency settings and clinical […]

How to Get Tested for Monkeypox

Since May 2022, monkeypox infection and community transmission have been reported in several non-endemic countries around the world. The monkeypox virus was initially found to be circulating in Europe and North America, and it has now spread to Asia: Singapore’s Ministry of Health said on June 21 that the first confirmed case of monkeypox infection […]

SARS-COV-2 and Monkeypox Virus: All Differences You Need to Know

The Coronavirus Disease 2019, referred to as “COVID-19”, refers to pneumonia or upper respiratory symptoms caused by a new type of coronavirus infection (SARS-COV-2). Monkeypox is a zoonotic viral disease caused by monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection. Etiology SARS-COV-2: Coronavirus is a large virus family, known to cause colds and more serious diseases such as Middle […]

The use of COVID-19 antigen rapid test across European countries

Since March earlier this year, many of us have been living somewhat isolated, quarantined, and unlike never before. COVID-19, a strand of the coronavirus, is a global pandemic affecting countries such as Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, and China, amongst others. Some countries’ efforts to slow the spread of the virus, such […]

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